ECHO introduced their industry leading X Series PB-8010 high performance backpack blower in the fall of 2018. This blower offers superior performance that will quickly tackle the toughest tasks.
The critical stats on the PB-8010 performance include an amazing 1071cfm, 211mph, and 44.4 newtons. This has an increased performance of over 50% compared to the PB770 Blower.
This machine is designed for heavy use and for large leaf cleanups. It’s capable of running 8+ hours each day and includes a 2 year commercial warranty and a 5 year consumer warranty.
The maintenance is easy with a tool-less latches on the top mount pleated air filter. The prefilter is made of foam.
The overall weight of this is unit is only 24.5 on the tube throttle units and 24.8 lbs on the hip throttles. This is only possible due to the carbon fiber plastic frame and fan casing.